Complaints and Feedback
Ithmaar Holding is committed to providing you the highest possible standards of services and ensuring your complete satisfaction at all times. It is a commitment we take very seriously. If you ever feel dissatisfied, please immediately notify the Compliance Department and they will do everything they can to address any issue within a reasonable timeframe. Ithmaar Holding acknowledges receipt of all complaints within five working days, and is obliged to respond to your complaint along with any redresses within four weeks. You reserve the right to take the matter up with the Compliance Directorate at the Central Bank of Bahrain if you are unsatisfied with the Company’s response or its solution.
Ithmaar Holding follows a strict non-discrimination policy, and customers will not receive less favourable treatment or be discriminated against by the Company at any time as a result of making a complaint.
To contact the Complaint Management Unit, please:
Write to Complaint Management Unit, Ithmaar Holding
PO. Box: 2820
Seef Tower, Seef District, Kingdom of Bahrain